
Smart expense management at Talpa Network with ICS corporate credit cards

Talpa Network uses ICS business credit cards to make expense management smarter, faster and more secure. This solution ensures more control over corporate spending as well as lower costs.


Better control on spending with corporate credit cards

Talpa Network is a large media company that has been part of Talpa Holding since 2017. The company works with radio, TV, internet and social media and has more than 800 employees. Good financial administration is important to keep track of costs.

Marloes van Elswijk, Executive Assistant at Talpa Network, has been with the company for 12.5 years. Among other things, she arranges business credit cards for the management team. Marloes explains how the credit cards make her job easier.

'Before, we used debit cards, which often caused confusion,' Marloes explains. 'Who paid what? We didn't have an overview. This made it difficult to keep track of expenses properly.'

To solve this problem, Talpa Network now uses business credit cards from ICS. This way, the company has more overview and better control over business spending.

Monthly reports: clear insight faster

An important part of Marloes' work is tracking business expenses and making monthly reports. With ICS's business credit cards, she now does this easily and quickly.

'I can immediately see who has incurred which expenses in the system,' says Marloes. 'That saves a lot of time because I no longer have to figure everything out manually. I also find irregular payments easy. This keeps everything clear and easy to manage.'

'We used to have debit cards that were not in our name. That caused confusion because anyone could use them. We had no overview at all. This made it difficult to keep track of business expenses properly.' - Marloes van Elswijk

The system is useful not only for Marloes, but also for the finance department. They get all the credit card statements. This allows them to keep track of business expenses easily. This provides overview and helps in making monthly reports and reviewing expenses.

Security and control of corporate spending

With ICS's corporate credit cards, Talpa Network has full control over corporate spending. They have clear agreements on the use of credit cards: who gets a card, what can be paid with it, and that employees hand in the business credit cards when they leave the company.

'In case of unusual payments, I immediately log in to check that everything is correct,' says Marloes. 'As the contact person, I can see all the cards, so I can quickly see if an expense is business-related. This gives me and the company enough confidence to hand over the cards.'

Thanks to this control, Talpa Network has never had to deal with misuse. The system in which they see all expenses is clear and user-friendly, according to Marloes. This makes it easy to monitor spending. Business credit cards also make for an easy declaration process.

'We have never had any problems, misuse has never occurred with us. I can see immediately if everything is correct.' - Marloes van Elswijk

No more need for forms when claiming expenses

Management teams used to have to fill in forms to get business expenses reimbursed. With ICS's business credit cards, this is now much easier.

'Employees give their receipts to the finance department, and they process everything in the system. That works a lot faster and clearer than using forms,' Marloes says.

With business credit cards, Talpa Network settles expense claims quickly. This allows employees to focus on their work and spend less time on administration.

'The claims process has become much simpler. Employees no longer have to fill in forms to recover business expenses.' - Marloes van Elswijk

Fast, user-friendly and always supportive

According to Marloes, ICS not only offers overview and control, but also user-friendliness and reliability. An ICS contact person is always there for you when you need them.

'The system works quickly and easily, and you can always count on help if needed,' Marloes concludes.

At Talpa Network, business credit cards provide more control over expenses, lower costs and simpler processes, without compromising on security. Declarations with forms are a thing of the past and business expenses are easy to monitor.

Talpa Network



800 - 900

Number of cards

Marloes van Elswijk

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  • Expense management

    Link your ICS business Visa or Mastercard credit cards to our expense management solutions. This makes the payment process easier and allows for more efficient processing of business expenses.

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Talpa Network uses ICS business credit cards to make spending management smarter, faster and more secure. This solution ensures more control over corporate spending as well as lower costs.

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