In the Netherlands, we fight financial crime with the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (AML-ATF, in Dutch 'Wwft'). As a financial organisation, ICS plays an important role in this crime prevention. This page will tell you what this means for you as a (future) customer.
Your security is important to us. We want to prevent our Cards from being used for financial crime. Therefore, it is important that we know and monitor our customers and the companies that are our customers. This requires us to do conduct customer due diligence. We are also obliged to do this under the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing Act (Wwft). By passing on your details on time, you are helping us to ensure a safer society.
Have you received messages from us asking for your company details or to verify your identity, but have not done so by the specified date? Unfortunately, that may lead us to block your Card(s) and cancel our agreement with you. If the customer due diligence is completed within two months of cancellation and has a positive outcome, you will be able to keep your agreement. You would then be able to use your Card(s) again.
Need help updating your details or verifying your identity?
Please call our Business Servicedesk on +31 (0)20 - 6 600 666. We are happy to help you on working days from 9.00 to 18.00. Or just reply to the e-mails you received from us.
Are you a new Customer?
If you apply for a credit card from us, you provide us with information about your company and the relevant people, such as the contact person, the people for whom you want to request a card, the authorised signatories and the UBOs. The authorised signatories need to identify themselves. After the application, they will automatically receive an email with the request to do this via our app. Without identification of all signatories, your application is not complete.
Are you an existing customer and have you registered a new authorised signatory?
After we process your registration, you, as a new authorised signatory, will receive an email with a request to identify yourself. You can do this quickly and securely with our app. Your application as authorised signatory is not complete without identification.
We handle your personal data with care. If you want to learn more about this, please read our Privacy Statement. If you have any further questions, please check the FAQs below, take a look at the page about identification or contact our Service Desk on telephone number +31 (0)20 - 6 600 666. We will gladly help you on weekdays between 8:00 and 18:00.
Frequently asked questions
Why does ICS need my details?
In the Netherlands, we combat money laundering and terrorism with the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (AML-ATF, in Dutch 'Wwft'). Like other financial organisations, we are required to know who our customers are. This information ensures that we can work together to create a safer community.Who needs to provide identification?
The authorised signatories, and in some cases the UBOS, of a company must identify themselves. They will automatically receive an email with a request. This happens when your company becomes a new customer or registers a new authorised signatory.What can I use to identify myself?
You can identify yourself with:
- a valid passport (does not need to be a Dutch passport)
- a valid Dutch driving licence
- a valid European identity card.
I've received an email about identification. How do I know that this is not phishing?
Good to know that you are vigilant. Always check that the sender's address is correct. For our email about identification this is noreply@internet.icscards.nl. You can identify fake emails as follows:
- The email is usually not personalised: it opens with 'dear customer', or 'dear Sir/Madam'
- The email asks you to act quickly
- If you do not respond to the email immediately, you are threatened with consequences such as your credit card being blocked
- The email also contains a link that takes you to a fake website
- Your mail provider or spam filter will usually already indicate that the email is spam
I have applied for a business credit card. When will I receive a request for identification?
Only authorised signatories receive a request for identification. Are you an authorised signatory? After you have sent us the application form, you will automatically receive a request via email.
What will happen if I do not identify myself?
Under the Anti-Money Laundering and Anti-Terrorist Financing Act (AML-ATF, in Dutch 'Wwft'), we are required to know who our customers are. If your company fails to cooperate with this check and the identification, we cannot comply with our statutory duty. Have you applied for a credit card or registered an authorised signatory? Unfortunately, we will not be able to process your request. Are you an existing customer? Unfortunately, we may have to block your credit card(s).
Why have my Cards been blocked?
In the past period, you have received messages from us asking you to update your details or verify your identity. Since you have not (yet) done so, we have had to temporarily block your Card(s) to comply with the legislation. Two months after the Cards have been blocked, if we have not received the necessary information to complete our customer due diligence, we will terminate our contract with you. Until then, you may be able to keep it. Please act as soon as possible, as we would like to keep you as a customer. However, we must receive your data in time and examine it in order to comply with the Wwft. You will not be able to use your Cards again until the customer due diligence is complete.
Need help updating your details or verifying your identity Please call our Business Servicedesk on 020 - 6 600 666. We are happy to help you on working days from 9.00 to 18.00. Or just reply to the e-mails your received from us.